APRIL 11 , 2024
Exercise at home with these tips
We all have different activities during the day, such as taking care of our family, going to work, doing housework, going to the grocery store, attending medical appointments, and taking care of our diet with healthy cooking at home.
However, making time to attend a sporting activity, gym, or something similar can be a challenge. Nevertheless, exercising and healthy cooking is part of a healthy lifestyle, and sometimes, doing it at home is a smart strategy for those days when we don't have time or if we don't have the economy or the time to go out.
That is why, in this blog, we bring you some tips and advice on how to create a small fitness routine that will help you handle your daily activities and give you the time to exercise from home.
What do you need?
The following tips for creating an exercise routine are based on fitness movements that everyone can do. But, in order to do it, you will need some simple but necessary resources. To begin with, you will need a large space or the opportunity to lie down and stretch all your limbs without hitting a piece of furniture or a wall.
You can move some furniture temporarily or go to a space like your patio or living room. Secondly, you will need a mat or matting. You can use a yoga mat or a carpet you have at home. Next, clothing is something essential.
We recommend wearing comfortable clothing, like shorts or pants, and a light blouse that allows you to move easily. Additional resources are optional to maintain a better routine, such as two bottles of 16oz (500 ml) of water or dumbbells, a bench, some music that you like or that motivates you, and most importantly, consistency to stick to your routine regularly.
Finally, invite your family or energize yourself with a positive attitude to complete your routine.
It's important to warm up beforehand, as this reduces the risk of injuries caused by cold muscles or tendons with little flexibility. You can dance to your favorite music, do basic repetitive movements with your arms and legs, or jump rope. The key is to start moving and let your body know that you're about to exercise.
Exercise routine
Here are 5 exercises you can do at home using household items that you have at your fingertips.
Stand with your toes pointed outward and hip-width apart. Lower by bending your knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Keep your back straight and active at all times, your eyes forward, and make sure your knees do not go past your toes. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions each.

Lie on your back on the floor, place your hands behind your head, raise your knees, and mimic pedaling a bicycle. Touch your left knee with your right elbow, then your right knee with your left elbow. Perform 2 sets of 20 repetitions.

With a bench on the floor or on the stairs of your house, step up first with one foot, and then with the other, step down in the same way continuously. Keep your back straight and active at all times. Start with a reduced height and then increase it in subsequent sessions. Perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

The plank
Lie faced down on the floor with your legs extended and at the width of your hips. Lift your body off the ground with the tips of your feet and elbows resting on the floor. Ensure that your whole body (legs and spine) is in line without touching the ground and without lifting your hips too much, keeping your head down. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds with a rest of 10 to 15 seconds, and perform 4 repetitions.

The airplane
Sit with your back straight on the end of a bench, with your chest and shoulders back. Take a 16oz (500 ml) water bottle or a dumbbell in each hand and raise your arms to the sides to shoulder level. Lower them in a controlled manner until the bottles are about 15 cm from your hips. Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions each.

The chair
Stand with your back against the wall, then lower your hips to the height of your knees as if you were sitting in an invisible chair. Make sure your hands are on your chest or at your sides; do not lean on your thighs. Stay in this position for 20 to 30 seconds with 10 to 15-second breaks, and perform 4 repetitions.

Lie on your back on a mat. Lift your legs and upper torso (head and chest) towards your toes, attempting to touch them. Then, carefully lower yourself down without allowing your feet and hands to touch the floor, keeping them just a few centimeters away from it. Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

Combinations in your routine
With this exercise routine, you will work your abs, arms, legs, and glutes without leaving your home, using objects that are usually found at home. You can start with one exercise per day or combine two of them.
Increase the intensity as you feel better. You can also do all the exercises or just three of them. As you increase the number of exercises mentioned above, you will gain more benefits. Train three times a week, and you will be able to improve your physical condition, tone muscles, and enhance your health.
Healthy cooking and exercise: the combination you need
It's important to exercise at home, but it's even more important for healthy cooking. Diet constitutes between 60 to 80% of our health and sports. While exercise is essential, healthy cooking is even more crucial.
Healthy cooking involves integrating ingredients that provide nutrients to our bodies. This healthy cooking will help give you energy to train as you should. Similarly, healthy cooking will aid in your recovery after any workout.
Remember, at Nutrioli®, we always prioritize your well-being and nutrition. Cook all your dishes with Nutrioli 100% soybean oil. Visit our website and discover all the products that Nutrioli has for your cooking needs, like Nutrioli® Non-Drip oil for greater practicality and cleanliness when serving, for greater practicality and cleanliness when serving.
Now you are ready to continue maintaining your health and wellness. If you want to read more blogs like this one, visit our blog, where you will find many recommendations and tips to maximize your health.
If you want to combine this exercise routine with a balanced diet and healthy cooking, visit our recipe page, where you will find many delicious, but above all healthy recipes. For example, try our recipe for Montaditos with pear, brie cheese, and caprese, which is a great pre-workout snack option.
Or, if you want to maintain your diet while offering your guests a nutritious snack at a post-workout meeting, try our recipe for Roasted Shrimp Skewers with Garlic and Honey.